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Reserve your place for "Follow The Leaders", which will take place on October 2nd – 3rd , 2024 in TriCity.

Full Conference Conference+ Gala Team Leader Business Fair Job Fair
Price PLN 5,657 PLN 1,598 PLN 2,090 PLN 3,689 PLN 1,598 PLN free of charge free of charge
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 3,449 PLN 999 PLN 1,299 PLN 2,249 PLN 999 PLN free of charge free of charge
Price EUR 1,099 EUR 299 EUR 399 EUR 699 EUR 299 EUR free of charge free of charge
Befor Party
- - - -
BSS Conference option option option - - - -
Eko Transformacje Conference option option option - - - -
- -
- - -
Concert -
- -
Workshop for Team Leaders - - - -
- -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) additional - - - - - -
City Tour - limit 40 people. additional - additional - - - -
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
- -
Attractions for Partners and children additional - - - - - -
Double room Sopot - 2 days surcharge 1,000 zł surcharge 1,000 zł surcharge 1,000 zł - - - -
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days surcharge 800 zł surcharge 800 zł surcharge 800 zł - surcharge 800 zł - -
Price PLN 5,657 PLN
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 3,449 PLN
Price EUR 1,099 EUR
Befor Party
BSS Conference option
Eko Transformacje Conference option
Concert -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) additional
City Tour - limit 40 people. additional
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
Attractions for Partners and children additional
Double room Sopot - 2 days surcharge 1,000 zł
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days surcharge 800 zł
Price PLN 1,598 PLN
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 999 PLN
Price EUR 299 EUR
Befor Party -
BSS Conference option
Eko Transformacje Conference option
Gala -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. -
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days surcharge 1,000 zł
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days surcharge 800 zł
Price PLN 2,090 PLN
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 1,299 PLN
Price EUR 399 EUR
Befor Party
BSS Conference option
Eko Transformacje Conference option
Gala -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. additional
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days surcharge 1,000 zł
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days surcharge 800 zł
Price PLN 3,689 PLN
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 2,249 PLN
Price EUR 699 EUR
Befor Party -
BSS Conference -
Eko Transformacje Conference -
Concert -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. -
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
Lunch -
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days -
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days -
Team Leader
Price PLN 1,598 PLN
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members 999 PLN
Price EUR 299 EUR
Befor Party -
BSS Conference -
Eko Transformacje Conference -
Gala -
Workshop for Team Leaders
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. -
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days -
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days surcharge 800 zł
Business Fair
Price PLN free of charge
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members free of charge
Price EUR free of charge
Befor Party -
BSS Conference -
Eko Transformacje Conference -
Gala -
Concert -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. -
Participation in job fairs -
Udział w targach biznes
Lunch -
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days -
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days -
Job Fair
Price PLN free of charge
Price for Pro Progressio Club Members free of charge
Price EUR free of charge
Befor Party -
BSS Conference -
Eko Transformacje Conference -
Gala -
Concert -
Workshop for Team Leaders -
C-Level events - limit 4-8 people/event (max 30 people) -
City Tour - limit 40 people. -
Participation in job fairs
Udział w targach biznes -
Lunch -
Attractions for Partners and children -
Double room Sopot - 2 days -
Double room Gdańsk - 2 days -