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Wiktor Doktór

Wiktor Doktór

CEO Pro Progressio

Outstanding expert in the outsourcing industry, specializing in many areas related to modern business services, including BPO, R&D, ITO, Call Contact Center and the subject of nearshoring and offshoring.

President of Pro Progressio - an organization dealing with advisory and consulting in the field of modern business services. Wiktor is one of the most important outsourcing personalities in Poland and has been awarded many times for his contribution to the development of the business services sector in Poland.

He is the creator and author of two podcasts on the subject of the modern business services sector - the Polish-language "BSS bez tajemnic" and the English-language "Good Morning BSS World".

Wiktor, together with Pro Progressio, are Partners for the German Outsourcing Association, IAOP, Global Sourcing Association and other international outsourcing organizations.