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Agnieszka Myśliwczyk

Agnieszka Myśliwczyk

Career Agent for top IT management

Agnieszka Myśliwczyk, a Career Agent for top IT management, a leading IT Headhunter in Poland and an expert in innovative approaches to job searching and personal and corporate brand building.

A certified DISC D3 personality and motivation assessment consultant. As a market expert, she has completed hundreds of IT recruitments! Daily, she recruits based on facts for technology companies, advises on how to effectively onboard, retain and develop employees, builds corporate and personal brands and provides guidance to Programmers, IT Managers, and Business Owners on topics beyond coding.

She is the Founder of the boutique IT recruitment agency CandidFuture, an HR mentor and a trainer for IT Recruiters at CandidAcademy. She is the initiator of IT PERSONALITIES! A community of conscious Programmers, IT Specialists, Managers and Founders. A big fan of building valuable relationships (15.000+ contacts on LinkedIn) and a personal brand that stands out: queenIT.