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Kamila Krawczyk Strawińska

Kamila Krawczyk Strawińska

Trainer HILLWAY Training & Consulting

Kamila is an exceptional trainer at HILLWAY Training & Consulting and a business practitioner. She is the CEO and founder of E-MCC, a 170-seat contact center specializing in customer service outsourcing. Kamila started her career at Call Center Poland, the first call center in Poland. She is a woman with a tremendous amount of positive energy and passion. Her success in teaching and development is supported by numerous references.

Since 2003, she has been developing leadership skills for Team Leaders, sales teams, and customer service representatives in the largest banks, insurance companies, medical institutions, and financial organizations. She is a jury member for the Telemarketer of the Year competition (Polish Contact Center Awards) and a speaker at CX conferences. On a daily basis, she recruits and trains Managers and Leaders, and conducts training on management, motivation, and CX. Kamila is one of the most highly regarded trainers in the industry. She engages exceptionally well with training participants.

After one of her training sessions, a 300% increase in daily work efficiency was recorded. After each of her training sessions, HILLWAY clients report a significant increase in employee motivation.